Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

  • Drinking a big glass of water whenever you feel hungry and before a meal or snack fills the stomach briefly and makes you feel fuller and stop eating sooner.
  • Breaking down body fat and body muscle during weight loss produces wastes that must be eliminated through the kidneys. Drinking enough water is important to keep the kidneys functioning to remove these wastes.
  • Drinking Water Briefly Increases Metabolism
  • Eight Glasses of Water a Day?

    The study provides some support for the general recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day while dieting. For most people that would add a liter or two to their regular water intake. The extra calorie-burn would be about 100 calories a day if drinking 2 liters (2 quarts or 4 water-bottles full) more than usual.

    Seriously start drinking more water. It helps. 


  1. I dont count cups.

    I count gallons :D

  2. about tree fiddy

    j.k, at least a gallon

  3. I actually drink alot of water....somewhere between 10 - 12 glasses a day. It keeps me hydrate, moist my mouth, and because Im taking creatine I think it is almost neccessary.

  4. not as much as i should, i probably drink more diet coke than water lol

  5. Talking about diet coke, i haven't drank one in years.

    Hope I'm not missing out on a lot haha

  6. Get a gallon of water in more or less

  7. I drink much more milk now that I'm bulking, but I still get in at least 4-5 glasses of water.

  8. I try to drink as much water as I can a day. This includes in the morning, lunch, and dinner. I'm doing good so far in avoiding pop..haha

  9. interesting info bro i only learnt the value of water once i started taking creatine
    got you on follow

  10. Great post keep it up i enjoy your posts!

    Fellow misc brah's follow me also and dont forget to clicky clicky :P

  11. Drinking from when I wake up till I fall asleep. Drinking water's easy, it's eating 3k+ cals that's hard. Post up a cutting diet, would be sick.

  12. sick blog bro
    You brahs know the deal :)

  13. at the moment im dirnking 2 gallons a day :)

    your friend,

  14. i definitely need to start drinking more. great advice.

  15. Good advice brah...most people aren't too knowledgeable on their water intake, will def help people out

  16. Last year in December I stopped drinking anything but water for a few months. Along with eating right and intense cardio, I lost 30 pounds in the first two months. Nowadays I drink soda occasionally, but I still primarily drink water.

    Feels good man


  17. I'm really inconsistent, something I need to work on. Good info broseph stalin :)

  18. I've always loved a glass of water. Especially after a hot day when we used to go to the water park. If you were thirsty enough after all that play, then it tasted so sweet! Great info.!

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